A mechanical painter

To celebrate the arrival of the summer, we installed our previous installation (Mechalgorithmics) into the Parc de la Villette in Paris, where it has been converted into a mechanical painter (spitting paint over the clothes of the public) an a bubbles generator, for the entertainmnt of many children (and adults) in the parc.
We added reins to the mechanical creature, so that the public could better control the manner in which the paint will drop onto their clothing. The idea was to allow anyone walking through the Parc de la Villette, to take off some of their clothes and decorate them with tinted paint, spitted through the mouth of our mechanical painter. The result was not one of the most satisfactory from an aesthetic point of view (the public was often unable to properly control our beast), but all seemed extremely happy to let our creature destroy their clothes - an unexpected but obviously appreciated result !