It was just starting to get nice here in Florence. Lyyli and I had been hanging around the garage working out some problems with the tree of history and there was a need for some new materials. I don¿t remember exactly what. I think we wanted a bucket to soak our branches in before twisting them up. While we were out prospecting the sidewalk throwaway stations we stumbled across an Ikea chair with the seat broken out of it. You could tell the welds that were meant to hold the seat to the frame had broken somehow and the owner had decided to chuck the whole thing to curb.

It¿s commonplace by now for us to become the rescuers of forgotten, neglected and abused products like these but at that time we were just picking up things that looked like they had the ability to become something beautiful and usually something else. When I picked up the chair and dragged it back to the garage (I don¿t think we ever found what we were actually looking for) I remember mumbling something to myself about how it would be great fodder for a metal sculpture.

Though a reshaping was in my mind apparently lyyli was thinking re-birth. There was such a wild look on her face when she started using our beloved china wire( Italian duct tape) to begin making a spiderweb criss-cross pattern within the hole where the seat used to be. She was really excited, and when she gets excited, I get excited and when we both get excited, we both get more excited. We were on to something

It was such a simple solution, such a beautiful merging of order and chaos and it took a chair that was judged useless and broken and not only made it work again but made it more beautiful and in fact more comfortable than it had ever been before.

We named this piece, "Structure is not a necessarily part of a Structure" because it really captures what went on here and we think it also captures the essence of anarchic thought. Most people look at a society and they think of the government like a chair seat. That without the seat of power the whole chair is doomed to the dump. The anarchist theory says that when the seat of power is gone then the opportunity for individual growth and liberty becomes available. the strands of wire which are chaotically crossing there way across the empty expanse create a scary looking mesh that doesn¿t appear to be comfortable at all from the look of it. Of course it is really comfortable and you see that the wires don¿t go completely crazy, as they are still bound by the old frame of the seat of power. To us this frame represents the natural law that frames most human action and political law also. The strands represent the individuals in the society with the freedom to act how they choose and the result represents how little their individual choices actually matter to the rest of us despite what the furniture manufactures and governments of the world would have us believe. The media has convinced us to conform protection racket of the government and when the newsman takes a break advertisements take over and re-convince us to conform to the shapes and structures that fill our homes.